Editorial Solution

  • The Arduino UNO will be connected to a PC via USB, enabling Serial communication between the Arduino UNO and the Serial Monitor for sending and receiving commands.
  • In the given task, we will send AT commands from the Serial Monitor, and the Arduino UNO will respond to these commands accordingly.
  • Setting the Baud Rate
    • We will ensure that both the Arduino UNO and the Serial Monitor are set to the same baud rate (e.g., 9600,115200) for proper communication.

Hardware Connection

Let’s connect the hardware,

  • LED connected to digital pin 3 using 330Ω resistor in series with LED to limit current through it.
  • Potentiometer 
    • Terminal 1 → VCC.
    • Terminal 2 → Pin A0.
    • Terminal 3 → GND.



  • Connect Arduino UNO to PC via USB cable.




#define ADC_Value A0
#define LED_pin 3

String receivedData;
float volt;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);      // Initialize UART communication at 115200 baud rate
  pinMode(LED_pin, OUTPUT);  // Set LED pin as output

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {  // Check if data is received
    receivedData = Serial.readString();
    receivedData.trim();  // Remove trailing newline or spaces

    Serial.print("Received: ");
    Serial.println(receivedData);  // Print received data

    if (receivedData == "AT") {
    } else if (receivedData == "AT+LED=ON") {
      digitalWrite(LED_pin, HIGH);
    } else if (receivedData == "AT+LED=OFF") {
      digitalWrite(LED_pin, LOW);
    } else if (receivedData == "AT+LED_STATUS?") {
      // Check LED status and report
      if (digitalRead(LED_pin) == HIGH) {
      } else {
    } else if (receivedData == "AT+ADC_VALUE?") {
      int adcVal = analogRead(ADC_Value);  // Read ADC
    } else if (receivedData == "AT+ADC_VOLTAGE?") {
      int adcVal = analogRead(ADC_Value);
      volt = (5.0 * adcVal) / 1023.0;
      Serial.println(volt, 2);  // Prints voltage with 2 decimal places
    } else if (receivedData == "AT+SYS_ON_TIME?") {
      // Get system uptime in milliseconds
      unsigned long uptime = millis();

      // Convert uptime to hours, minutes, seconds
      unsigned long hours = uptime / 3600000;              // 1 hour = 3600000 milliseconds
      unsigned long minutes = (uptime % 3600000) / 60000;  // 1 minute = 60000 milliseconds
      unsigned long seconds = (uptime % 60000) / 1000;     // 1 second = 1000 milliseconds

      // Print uptime in HH:MM:SS format
      char timeBuffer[9];  // Buffer for "HH:MM:SS"
      sprintf(timeBuffer, "%02lu:%02lu:%02lu", hours, minutes, seconds);

    } else {
      Serial.println("Invalid Command!");  // Handles unknown inputs


Code Explanation

  • Setup
    • Initializes Serial communication at 115200 baud rate.
    • Sets pin 3 as output for LED control.


  • Main Loop
    • Listens for commands from the Serial Monitor. Serial.available(); check whether data is available in the buffer.
    • Serial.readString(); Read the string available in the receive buffer.
    • Processes commands to control LED, read ADC values, and system uptime.


  • Supported Commands
    • AT → Responds with OK.
    • AT+LED=ON → Turns LED ON, responds +LED:"ON".
    • AT+LED=OFF → Turns LED OFF, responds +LED:"OFF".
    • AT+LED_STATUS? → Reports LED status: +LED_STATUS:"ON" or "OFF".
    • AT+ADC_VALUE? → Reads analog pin (A0), responds with +ADC_VALUE:<0-1023>.
    • AT+ADC_VOLTAGE? → Converts ADC reading to voltage (0-5V), responds +ADC_VOLTAGE:<value>.
    • AT+SYS_ON_TIME? → Reports system uptime in HH:MM:SS.


  • Error Handling
    • Unknown commands respond with "Invalid Command!".


Hardware Setup




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