Editorial Solution

I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) 

  • Uses only two wires for communication.
  • SDA (serial data) wire: Used for data exchange.
  • SCL (serial clock) wire: It is a clock signal. Only the master device has control over this SCL line.


  • The I2C bus has an open drain configuration, meaning it can pull the corresponding signal line low but not drive it high.
  •  Hence, the line will enter an unknown state. Pull-up resistors need to be connected to the SCL and SDA pins to avoid this.
  •  We are going to use Wire.h library which enables the internal pull-up resistor(20k to 50K ) by default for I2C communication. 

Note: While communicating with devices using the I2C communication protocol, pull-up resistors must be used. The value of pull-up resistors may vary depending on the devices used.

  • We use  100KHz speed for I2C communication. It is the default speed for Arduino UNO, we can change this speed using Wire.setClock(frequency);. Maximum frequency is 400KHz for Arduino UNO.
  • When using an Arduino as a slave, we can set the slave address to any 7-bit value between 0x08 and 0x77. Here we use a 0x08 slave address. 


First of all, let's do the hardware connection.

  1. Master(Arduino UNO)
    • Push-Button is connected to any available GPIO pin with an internal pull-up register.
  2. Slave(Arduino UNO)
    • LED is connected using 330Ω to ensure safe current flow through it.
  3. Master and Slave Connection
    • Both communicate with each other via I2C communication, so the I2C  pins(SCL, SDA ) of the master are connected to the corresponding I2C  pins of the slave.
    • And ground should be common.

Circuit Diagram



We need to develop two codes, one for the master and another for the slave.

Master Arduino Board Code

#include <Wire.h>

#define slaveAddress 0x08  // slave address
#define switchPin 2
uint8_t ledState = 0;  // LED state
uint8_t error;

unsigned long debounce_delay = 50;     // Debounce delay in milliseconds
int last_switch_state = 1;             // Previous switch state
int current_switch_state = 1;          // Current switch state
unsigned long last_debounce_time = 0;  // Timestamp of the last switch state change

void setup() {
  // Initialize arduino as I2C master

  pinMode(switchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop() {
  // check if switch is pressed or not
  if (is_debounced_press(switchPin)) {
    ledState = !(ledState);
    Wire.write(ledState);                     // Store the state of LED in i2c buffer
    error = Wire.endTransmission();           // send data to slave
    if (error == 0) {
      Serial.println("Successful data transmission");
    } else {
      Serial.println("ERROR in data transmission");

bool is_debounced_press(int switch_pin) {
  int reading = digitalRead(switch_pin);

  // If the button state has changed, reset the debounce timer
  if (reading != last_switch_state) {
    last_debounce_time = millis();

  last_switch_state = reading;  // Update the previous state

  // If the button state is stable for longer than the debounce delay, update the state.
  if ((millis() - last_debounce_time) > debounce_delay) {
    if (reading != current_switch_state) {
      current_switch_state = reading;

      // Return true if the button is pressed (LOW state)
      if (current_switch_state == 0) {
        last_switch_state = reading;
        return true;

  return false;  // No valid press detected


Slave Arduino board Code

#include <Wire.h>

#define ledPin 8
#define slaveAddress 0x08
void setup() {
  // Initialize arduino as I2C slave (Slave address is 8)
  Wire.onReceive(receiveEvent);  // Attach a function to handle incoming data

  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

// Function to handle incoming data
void receiveEvent(int bytes) {
  while (Wire.available()) {
    int received = Wire.read();  // Read the incoming byte
    if (received == 1) {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    } else if (received == 0) {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);


Understand the code

Master Code

  • is_debounced_press(int switch_pin)This function detects debounced button presses. It returns TRUE if the button press is detected.
  • If a button press is detected, the LED state is toggled (ON or OFF) and the updated state is transmitted to the slave.

Slave Code

  • We first define the slave address as 0x08.
  • After receiving data from the master, void receiveEvent(int bytes) is called, which changes the state of the LED according to the data received from the master.   



Hardware Setup 


Output Video





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